Sunday, 19 August 2012

Positive Pictures

How is it Sunday already??? Ugh...

Time for a pick me up with some positive pictures:

Friday, 17 August 2012

Week of Photos

As always, let's start with my Photo A Day August pics:

11th - purple - Matt bought me this when I was last in the States :)

12th - spoon - random spoon image, I was going to try and get a spoon full of yummy pasta salad or something from Frocky's bbq that day but forgot....

13th - simple - tis the simple things in life that put a smile on my face, like my new helmet decals! :D

14th - arrow - from the front of The Hunger Games. I just finished reading it. Excellent book.

15th - ready, for....? lol

16th - food. Om nom nom grapes.

17th - faces. Random funnies.

And last but not least, the new helmet :D

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Scrimmy Scrims

Scrims was last night! Mixed with 3 lovely ladies from Dundee - Carnage, Gadget and Roal Dahling (love that name). I was on Team Black with Jen, Maz, Dita, Max, Lila, the gorgeous wifey (who's back after 2 weeks away, I missed her!) and Roal from DRG.

It was so much fun. The atmosphere I've been feeling since we got back from Belfast wasn't there, and when I messed up, I wasn't getting so annoyed at myself. I just picked myself back up and tried again. I jammed a couple of times. The first time, I thought I was going to be sick, lol...I was definitely working my agressive jammer skills last night. Team white had amazing walls, but I just got stuck in until I found a gap, or at one point, I held onto Dita and snuck through xD I definitely felt like I contributed more, but had I not felt so tired before I got to scrims, I might have thrown myself on track more.

I hope the atmosphere has gone for good. I know I'm not the only one who felt it. The thing is, other people's emotions tend to mess me up - if someone is angry, it rubs off on me, and I hate it. I've left training the last few times feeling really shitty, and not because I thought I'd messed up, just because some of the girls have been really frustrated since Belfast and have almost taken it out on the rest of the team. I know we can't all have great days, every day of the week, but training is my escape. So I'm going to continue to turn up with a big smile on my face, and hopefully that'll rub off on people instead :D

And the wifey was back last night. OMG, I've missed her! Training isn't the same without the 20 minute talk after, lol. I missed just having her there, even if we don't get to talk much at training, I know she's there. She is an awesome wife :)

And as of the beginning of September, we'll have an extra training session - YEESSSSSSSS!! So aswell as Tuesday and Friday, there'll be Wednesday training too, and I think an optional Sunday session after Fresh Meat to practice anything we need to work on. So much skatey time! So much time to work on those skills! :D

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Positive Pictures

Just back from an awesome BBQ at Frocky's :) Was great hanging out with the girls and guys, talking derby, filth and joking around. I might even have a little play pal for Bailey - Sue and Avril have a working breed cocker spaniel too, so I'm hoping to meet up with them after an early shift and let the two dogs have a run around together :)

And on to this week's positive pictures, before work

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Derby Round Up

Last night's training consisted of some endurance (1 minute sprint followed by 1 minute of squats followed by 1 minute of sprinting followed by 1 minute of small skull crushing followed by a 2 minute sprint, then all that in the opposite direction), catching our partner (do a four point fall then try to catch up to your buddy within 10 seconds) and catching lots of goats!

The endurance part was fine, except my skull crushing seems to have gotten slower....might be the poisons, and the fact that my left knee and right thigh have been a little painful all week.  But it's something to think about working on.  I think I'm quite good at endurance - you notice other people slowing down half way and I'm still giving it almost as much as I did at the start, passing them.

Catching your partner was fun.  I was with Erin, one of the intermediates, but she's quite fast.  We didn't have to go into the middle for a plank once because we always caught up with each other.  Until Max changed it to 5 secs and in the opposite direction, lol.  I think this has been a training exercise thought up after Belfast.  They kept the pack pace quite fast, faster than we're used to at scrims.  Although last scrims, we had Alma and Teenie, and the pace was faster then.  I prefer that.

Aside from training, I've put my name down for Dundee Roller Girls "Cherry Poppers" team.  It's going to be a mix of girls from FVRG, DRG, Perth and Aberdeen who have only bouted a few times, part of their double header in September.  I hope I get picked.  I would really like more experience, especially playing against other girls - when we do scrims, I know who to avoid, who's the big hitter, who's the fast jammer, I think we rely on that too much sometimes.
There's also an ARRG bootcamp coming up in October.  Alma is going to be one of the coaches, I'd love to do this!  I'm hoping to start going along to her Saturday sessions every now and again, more experience, again.  I need it!
And then we have our home bout in November.  I changed my holiday plans, just in case I get picked (I was originally going over to the US that week to see the boy).  I really don't think I will.  I need to improve a lot on Belfast.  But I'm working on it ;)