Monday, 27 May 2013

Monday Makes

I apologise for the lack of crafty posts recently.  I've been extremely busy and not had any time to do anything, which makes for a sad Moogle :(  With my shifts being the way they are (early shift one week, back shift the next), I think I might make this section a fortnightly one, as I never seem to get any crafting done on a back shift and that makes for a rather dull blog post!

I have managed to do a few things in the last month, so here you go:

I finally finished my Mario mushrooms bookmark.  Well, I stitched the last mushroom.  I'm currently looking into ways that I can finish the bookmark off so it doesn't fray at the edges.  I'm quite happy with this cross stitch, but it did take a lot longer than I thought.

Fierce Valley had their second intraleague bout on Saturday (I'll definitely be writing a post about this!).  I was on team Autoblocks (Autobots but derby'd up for the bout) and this is one of the presents we were given in our treat bags.  Me and our captain, Dita Von Cheeze, made these.  Very easy and so relaxing, I do love crafting with perler beads.

This is the cross stitch I'm currently working on, an owl for my momma.  I bought the pattern from Nerdy Little Stitcher on Etsy. I'm going to put it in a frame so she can hang it up in her room.  She's been working really hard lately and she's exhausting herself, even if she won't admit it.  So hopefully this will cheer her up a little :)

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Feel Good Sunday

A collection of photos to ease the pain of back-to-work Monday blues!

Saturday, 18 May 2013


I don't know about your part of the country/world, but here in central Scotland, it's been pretty bleak.  I think we've had more rain in the last month than we had during the whole of Autumn and Winter combined last year......Well, I've decided enough is enough!  I want a summer!  So I've started one!

Amen! (Well, aside from the lighter hair and darker skin, lol)

Source: via Michelle on Pinterest
Speaking of drinks, Sangria! :D

And what is summer without ice cream?

And strawberries!

Barbeques are total summer food!

Gota protect those eyes from that big ball of fire in the sky!

Source: via Michelle on Pinterest
And there'll be plenty of sandal and strappy shoe action, so gota paint those toe nails!
Rapeseed, the smell of summer :)

Source: via Michelle on Pinterest
 Evening walks barefoot on the grass :)

Then home to chill out in the garden :)

Friday, 17 May 2013

Friday Photos

I cannot believe it's time for the May FatMumSlim PhotoADay challenge!  This year is flying past so quick!  I have been mega busy (yet again....) and haven't posted up for a while, but here are the last week's set of photos:

Day 11 - A Smile
Day 12 - Mother - something I bought my mum a few years ago for mother's day. So true :)
Day 13 - Sunrise/Sunset - A gorgeous sunset when I was up at the Black Isle a few years ago (ok, I kinda cheated, but believe me, the weather hasn't been great here lately...)
Day 14 - Need - All you need is love :)
Day 15 - 7 o'clock - Bailey snuggle time
Day 16 - Mailbox
Day 17 - Season - could summer be upon us...??