Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Swaps, swaps, and more swaps!

Eep! It's been a whole month since I last posted, naughty Moogle!

I have been crazy busy this last month between roller marathons, bouts (playing and watching), my niece's 1st birthday - lots going on!

I've also joined in several more swaps on Instagram (like I haven't been busy enough, lol).

The first one is the Verry Cherry Swap. Pretty much like the Strawberry Swap, but I've been paired with the person who'll be sending my gifts. She likes ginham, polka dots, aqua and red, so I'm hoping she'll like what I've made so far!

With Halloween coming up soon (one of my favourite times of the year!), I've joined not one, but two Halloween swaps. 

Kawaii means cute in Japanese :) For this, I have to make something small, include something small that my partner can use to make something themselves, some themed related goodies and candy. 

For the second one, we've to make a Halloween themed drawstring bag from a pattern we've been given and fill it with Halloween goodies.

The last swap I joined is a mini quilt one. I've only made a few quilts, with a few issues, so I'm hoping I don't mess this one up! But I have until December to finish it, so I'll just be taking my time.

And lastly, no so much a swap, but a lovely idea - a penpal list. You can send anything you like to those on the list, any time you like. Random snail mail that might just cheer someone's day up :D

Now, better get back to finishing off some Cherry Swap goodies!

1 comment:

  1. Your cherry swap goodies were astounding!! Thank you so very much! You're so talented!!!
