Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Derby Dayz

So once again, the weekend has been and gone.  But at least this is my last early shift week for 3 weeks :D.
Friday's skating was awesome.  We had a mammoth endurance session - do at least 25 laps in 5 minutes, 20 in 4, 15 in 3, 10 in 2 and 5 in 1.  I managed to do at least one lap over every time, even managing 26 and a half laps after falling twice (spaghetti legs...), so I'm pretty happy with that.  It's good to know I can still do it :)  Was a great night, with lots of laughs (especially with the Wifey) and finding out that I will be here for the team try outs against Belfast!  Not that I'm confident about getting on the team, I'm just glad to get a chance to try.  I also found out I have a rules test to study for this Friday.....lol.  Whilst I'm not looking forward to a test, I am quite keen to know how bad/good my knowledge of roller derby is.

The Craft Fayre on Saturday was a great success - we raised just over £700 and I panicked for no reason, the cake stall had a few cakes left over afterwards, lol.  It was an awesome day.  Met the girls responsible for Roller Grrrls, and they shown a keen interest in the Cubs.  My mum won "Guess the Tiger's Birthday" and my cousin, Louise, won "Guess How Many Sweeties in the Jar" from the Cubs stall - I promise it wasn't a fix!! I also bought the cutest pair of earrings from one of the stalls:

After getting home from work today (nice early finish, tee hee), I've sorted my kit out for tonight, cleaned the kitchen units after Bailey's tail massacre, and I'm sitting relaxing with a cup of tea and a cupcake (you'd think I'd be sick of seeing them...), before getting ready to head out to watch Avengers Assemble with Mike.  It looks like it's going to be an awesome film!  Only problem is it's in 3D, which of course I have to see it in, but those 3D glasses over my own glasses gives me a headache :/  Then it'll be a quick change for skating tonight :D
Oh, and last but not least, the Photo a Day May challenge starts today :)

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