Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Monday Makes

Oooh, I was a busy little bee last week!  So much crafting, so much fun!

Firstly, I finished off the wall piece :D.  This is the original inspiration:

And here's my finished piece:


So happy with it, and the start of the beach theme in my bedroom :)

 I've also managed to make one sheep for Shaun's Pom Pom Parade.

The plan was to make a roller derby team (so 14 sheep), until I realised that the only wool I have in the house is acrylic - the sheep are to be 100% wool for the campaign.  I managed to pick up some natural wool roving from Hobbycraft (this is how I made this little guy), but 100% wool is hard to find!  So I contacted the lovely people at Shaun's Pom Pom Parade on Facebook and they let me know where the closest stockist of real wool is to me.  Unfortunately, they didn't have the colours I wanted (FVRG purple and turquoise of course), so I've ordered it.  I hope it comes today so I can get stuck in on my down time.  They need to be in by the 1st of March!

And whilst using the template for the sheep, I made a little doodlebug for the Wiggy wifey.  To cheer her up :) 


She's called him Mr Fuzzy, and he did exactly what I hoped, made her smile :)

I also attempted to bake last week.  I had the house to myself for 5 days, so why not?  The chocolate muffins however did not want to play ball....


I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to go lopsided like this...lol.  Too much mixture in the tray?  Or was it because I checked them half way through?  Anyone any ideas?  It would be greatly appreciated if you could help me make my next batch look less like....well, what they look like, rofl. 


Saturday, 23 February 2013

Mario Week!

Next week is Mario Week!  This makes my inner geek squee!  One of the blogs I follow, Wild Olive, is encouraging her followers to participate and make something for this week.  But what to make??  There are so many ideas!!

Very cute cookies!

Amazing cupcakes!

For the more advanced and confident baker methinks!

Great idea with Easter coming up.

Great use of felt, something that I'm thinking about starting to craft with.

More felt, but as a cushion. Would look cool on my computer chair :D

Cross stitch! 

And more amazing cross stitch. I wouldn't mind making myself a new bookmark.


If this isn't a good enough reason to learn to crochet.....


And these earrings are super cute. They may interest the Pixxie wife over on Skates And Stitches.

Source: bitmob.com via Michelle on Pinterest
And no crafty blog of mine would be complete without the perler beading :) 

I have so many ideas to chose from, completely spoiled!  Watch this space to see what I come up with ;) 

Monday, 18 February 2013

Monday Makes

I finished the last cross stitch! :D


I think this is my favourite one.

So, after putting the three finished cross stitch pieces into the frames and cutting the ribbon to length, this is what I've ended up with:


It needed something more.  So I've ordered some beads and shells from ebay to thread onto the left over ribbon.  After a little tidy up, I'm hoping this will finish it off.

I also made soup today!  Not a huge achievement, but one of my monthly to do's ticked off the list.  Here's the recipe for Spicy Tomato Soup (a recipe I got from Weight Watchers when I attended a few years ago):
1 Onion
2 Tins of Chopped Tomatoes
800ml of Vegetable Stock
2 Teaspoons of Basil
2-3 Teaspoons of Tabasco Sauce
50g Lentils
Very simply, bung all the ingredients together in a very large pan, heat until boiling.  Then simmer for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally (which I may have forgot to do, resulting in a few lentils getting stuck to the bottom of the pan.....derp).
It's a delicious soup and best of all, very filling and low in calories!

And lastly, I'm in the process of making some pom pom sheep!  All for a good cause!  Shauns Pom Pom Parade is a project started in support of Campaign For Wool, which "aims to educate as many people as possible about the incredible benefits and versatility of wool in fashion, furnishings and everyday life. This in turn, supports many small businesses and local farmers whose livelihoods depend on the wool industry."  They are basically trying to break the record for the most pom pom sheep made, with people downloading the template here at Shaun The Sheep and posting away any little critters they make.  I'm going to see how many I can make before next week! (the last date for entries is the 1st of March).  I'm going to make a few in FVRG colours (of course) and maybe attempt a multicoloured one.  Watch this space!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Feel Good Sunday

To make you smile and feel better about that evil "w" word tomorrow!!

Hehe ;)


More RAWR!!!

Animal RAWR!!

It's true, just saying ;)

And a song to take us out, one that's been playing non stop on the radio, making me dance a little inside (because it's hard to dance when you're driving).

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Happy Place

When I'm feeling a little stressed at work, I like to close my eyes (if I'm not driving obviously!) and go to my happy place.  I stretch out in my favourite chair, relax, enjoy the view, count to 20 and chill.  Now, I'm not an artist of any kind, so I can't sketch the image from head out and show you how AMAZING it is.  Instead, I'm going to post up some pictures of places that could come close, or that I might borrow one day when my happy place gets too routine.

Source: compare-rates.hotel-discount.com via Michelle on Pinterest
The ultimate realxation with an awesome view.

A nice relaxing walk. Look at those colours!

Source: indulgy.com via Michelle on Pinterest

Maybe that walk after sleeping in this bed? So cosy.

Speaking of beds, I might actually get a good night's rest in this one.

More chilling out, maybe by the pool, maybe take a walk up all those stairs!

Glass igloos that you can rent to watch the Northern Lights! 

And this is where I was on Monday! (In my head, of course.....sigh)

Friday, 15 February 2013

Friday Photos

More catching up for the FatMumSlim photoaday challenge.  Improving my time management was one of my goals for this year, I am failing miserably!! I'm also hoping to get out somewhere next week after an early shift and take more photos outside.  Fingers crossed!

9th - Guilty Pleasure - Wine is indeed.

10th - 3 o'clock - Putting my feet up to read :) 
11th - Entrance - One of my patients have this awesome doormat outside their flat.
 12th - Where You Ate Lunch - At my desk (some of my photos need a little bit more inspiration....)

13th - Walking - With Crazy in the snow :D
14th - Love Is - special strawberry flavoured cakes for my momma for Valentines :) 
15th - Inside Your Fridge - Cider!! Om nom nom.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Monday Makes - Progress Update

This is just a quick update on last week's Monday Makes.  Quick because I somehow managed to trap a nerve in my arm on Tuesday and it pretty much stopped me in my tracks on the cross stitching :(  I have, however, managed to finish off the whale and fish cross stitch:

And after speaking to the momma last week, I decided instead of painting the photo frames, I'd super glue shells to them!  (Well derp, beach theme, kinda obvious.....).  No super glue was harmed during this process, but I seemed to have got more on my fingers than anywhere else....

This WILL be finished by next Monday!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Feel Good Sunday

It's back to work tomorrow after a great week off.  I'd love to say I got loads done, but unfortunately, I was very lazy, maybe I needed it though!

In preparation for going back, I've rounded up some funny/motivational pictures that I shared on Facebook to keep me going!

Too cute.  I trust him!



 I may have a little more than others....poor Boy <3

It's really not....I had an ex that used to do this.  It was funny at first....

Monday, 4 February 2013

Monday Makes

I'm starting to get underway with the room transformation (see Bedroom Makeover) and found this great idea for photo frames on Pinterest (I'm not addicted, honest!.....):

With this in mind, I hit Hobbycraft!  

First thing's first, find some ribbon that I could use to tie to the frames.  I've gone for a sea colour theme.

Then I found the smallest frames I could.  I think I might paint these a different colour, or possibly sand them down - they're going on a white wall so they might not stand out too well.

And I found more hearts to hang with the ribbon (with Valentines Day coming up, why not?!  I also love the natural wood effect).


And last but not least, the little sea animals I'm going to cross stitch to go into the photo frames :D 

I've already started work on the whale.  I'm hoping to get this finished by the end of the week!  Watch this space :D