Saturday, 6 October 2012

Derby Round Up

Try outs were last night.....

After the first lot of skills, I wasn't feeling too confident. Every time I did a transition, somebody seemed to be right behind me, ready to knock me down. And my right footed glides just completely failed me, which I don't understand - I've been practising one footed jumps on Thursdays and my right foot is my strongest. Happy with my backwards skating though - nobody overtook me at least.

Then it was on to scrims. If I make the team, this will be why. I think I did pretty good. I was more vocal, really working on my pivoting, although I find my pivoting is more confident when I'm in a group of newbies - for some reason, telling the more experienced girls what to do is kinda intimidating, and usually they end up taking over, I lose my pivot voice completely. My positional blocking is coming along, but I've recently taken a different approach to it, seeing it more like basketball and marking a player. And my jamming was pretty good although I need to work on my endurance - power jams are killing me after about the 3rd time around the track. Not that I think I'll jam if I get on the team, but it's always good to be available as a fall back.

We won't find out until next Friday who's on the team, so I'm not going to worry too much about it. And at least it means I can enjoy bootcamp tomorrow! :D

POSITIVES: Better backwards skating, good positional blocking, good jamming.

WORK ON: Right foot glides, endurance.

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